Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Discover the mystical world of Vishnu Sahasranamam and learn how this ancient Hindu devotional practice can lead to personal growth and spiritual transformation. In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the history, significance, and practice of Vishnu Sahasranamam.
Vishnu Sahasranamam, an ancient and revered Hindu devotional text, consists of a thousand names for Lord Vishnu, the Supreme Being. It is believed that by meditating on Lord Vishnu’s attributes, devotees can eradicate all obstructions in their lives and attain inner peace and spiritual growth.
At the heart of Vishnu Sahasranamam lies the Bhakti tradition, which emphasizes the importance of chanting the divine name (Nāma) as a means of connecting with the Divine. The Bhakti tradition encompasses two forms of devotion:
Among devotees, the Sahasranāma is considered the holiest and most popular form of Stotra.
The Sahasranāma Stotra is a unique aspect of Hindu devotional practice, featuring a thousand names for a specific deity, each representing the deity’s attributes and qualities. While there are Sahasranāma Stotras dedicated to various deities, the Viṣṇu-sahasranāma is the most popular and widely chanted.
Viṣṇu-sahasranāma is part of the Śānti Parva in the Mahābhārata, the ancient Indian epic. It is believed to have been composed by Sanaka and transmitted to Bhīṣma, who recited it in the presence of Śrī Kṛṣṇa. The great Śrī Śaṅkarācārya further enhanced its importance by writing a commentary expounding the meanings of the various names.
Vishnu Sahasranamam is open to everyone, regardless of caste, creed, or gender, and can be chanted without any prescribed rituals. This accessibility makes it a powerful tool for personal and spiritual growth.
If you’re ready to begin your journey with Vishnu Sahasranamam, follow these simple steps:
ॐ शुक्लाम्बरधरं विष्णुं शशिवर्णं चतुर्भुजम् ।
प्रसन्नवदनं ध्यायेत् सर्वविघ्नोपशान्तये ।।
Om Shuklaambaradharam Vishnum Shashivarnam Chaturbhujam ।
Prasannavadanam Dhyaayet Sarvavighnopashaantaye ।।
Om: The sacred syllable representing the Supreme Being Shuklaambaradharam: The one wearing a white garment
Vishnum: Lord Vishnu, the all-pervading one
Shashivarnam: He who has the color of the moon
Chaturbhujam: He who has four arms
Prasannavadanam: He who has a cheerful and serene countenance
Dhyaayet: One should meditate upon
Sarvavighnopashaantaye: For the removal and pacification of all obstacles
To eliminate all hindrances, I contemplate on Vishnu, adorned in a white garment, possessing the moon’s hue, having four arms, and displaying a calm and serene expression on His face.
शान्ताकारं भुजगशयनं पद्मनाभं सुरेशं
विश्वाधारं गगनसदृशं मेघवर्णं शुभाङ्गम् ।
लक्ष्मीकान्तं कमलनयनं योगिभिर्ध्यानगम्यं ।
वन्दे विष्णुं भवभयहरं सर्वलोकैकनाथम् ।।
śāntākāraṁ bhujagaśayanaṁ padmanābhaṁ sureśaṁ
viśvādhāraṁ gaganasadṛśaṁ meghavarṇaṁ śubhāṅgam।
lakṣmīkāntaṁ kamalanayanaṁ yogibhir dhyānagamyaṁ।
vande viṣṇuṁ bhavabhayaharaṁ sarvalokaikanātham।।
I bow to Lord Vishnu, the embodiment of peace, who reclines on the serpent, has a lotus navel, is the lord of the gods, supports the universe, is as vast as the sky, is dark like the clouds, has a beautiful form, is the consort of Goddess Lakshmi, has lotus-like eyes, can be realized by yogis through meditation, removes the fear of worldly existence, and is the sole lord of all worlds.
सशंख-चक्रं सकिरीट-कुण्डलं सपीतवस्त्रं सरसीरुहेक्षणम् ।
सहार-वक्षःस्थल-कौस्तुभ श्रियं नमामि विष्णुं शिरसा चतुर्भुजम् ।।
saśaṅkha-cakraṁ sakirīṭa-kuṇḍalaṁ sapītavastraṁ sarasīruhekṣaṇam ।
sahāra-vakṣaḥsthala-kaustubha śriyaṁ namāmi viṣṇuṁ śirasā caturbhujam ।।
I bow to Lord Vishnu with my head, who holds the conch and the discus, wears a crown and earrings, is adorned in yellow garments, has eyes like lotus petals, has the divine Kaustubha gem on his chest along with a garland, and possesses four arms.
श्रुत्वा धर्मानशेषेण पावनानि च सर्वशः।
युधिष्ठिरः शान्तनवं पुनरेवाभ्यभाषत ।।
śrutvā dharmānaśeṣeṇa pāvanāni ca sarvaśaḥ।
yudhiṣṭhiraḥ śāntanavaṁ punarevābhyabhāṣata ।।
Having heard all the righteous and purifying teachings, Yudhishthira again addressed Bhishma, the son of Shantanu, and spoke further.
किमेकं दैवतं लोके किं वाप्येकं परायणम् ।
स्तुवन्तः कं कमर्चन्तः प्राप्नुयुर्मानवाः शुभम् ।।
kimekaṁ daivataṁ loke kiṁ vāpyekaṁ parāyaṇam ।
stuvantaḥ kaṁ kamarcantaḥ prāpnuuyur mānavāḥ śubham ।।
What is the one supreme deity in the world? What is the one ultimate refuge? By praising and worshipping whom can humans attain auspiciousness and well-being?
को धर्मः सर्वधर्माणां भवतः परमो मतः ।
किं जपन् मुच्यते जन्तु-र्जन्म-संसार-बन्धनात् ।।
ko dharmaḥ sarvadharmāṇāṁ bhavataḥ paramo mataḥ।
kiṁ japan mucyate jantuḥ janma-saṁsāra-bandhanāt।।
What is considered the highest dharma among all dharmas? By reciting which, can living beings be liberated from the bondage of birth and the cycle of existence (saṁsāra)?
जगत्प्रभुं देवदेव-मनन्तं पुरुषोत्तमम् ।
स्तुवन् नामसहस्त्रेण पुरुषः सततोत्थितः ।।
jagatprabhuṁ devadeva-manantaṁ puruṣottamam।
stuvan nāmasahasreṇa puruṣaḥ satatotthitaḥ।।
By continuously praising the lord of the universe, the god of gods, the infinite and supreme being (Puruṣottama), with a thousand names, a person remains ever steadfast.
तमेव चार्चयन्नित्यं भक्त्या पुरुषमव्ययम् ।
ध्यायन् स्तुवन् नमस्यंश्च यजमानस्तमेव च ।।
tameva cārcayannityaṁ bhaktyā puruṣamavyayam ।
dhyāyan stuvan namasyaṁśca yajamānastameva ca ।।
By constantly worshiping the imperishable Purusha (Lord Vishnu) with devotion, meditating, praising, and offering obeisances to Him, the worshiper attains His grace.
अनादि-निधनं विष्णुं सर्व-लोक-महेश्वरम् ।
लोकाध्यक्षं स्तुवन्नित्यं सर्वदुःखातिगो भवेत् ।।
anādi-nidhanaṁ viṣṇuṁ sarva-loka-maheśvaram ।
lokādhyakṣaṁ stuvannityaṁ sarvaduḥkhātigo bhavet ।।
By constantly praising Vishnu, who is without beginning or end, the Supreme Lord of all the worlds and the overseer of all realms, one transcends all sorrows and suffering.
ब्रह्मण्यं सर्व-धर्मज्ञं लोकानां कीर्ति-वर्धनम् ।
लोकनाथं महद्भूतं सर्व-भूत-भवोद्भवम् ।।
brahmaṇyaṁ sarva-dharmajñaṁ lokānāṁ kīrti-vardhanam ।
lokanāthaṁ mahadbhūtaṁ sarva-bhūta-bhavodbhavam ।।
Vishnu is the protector of the cosmic order, the knower of all dharma, and the one who increases the fame of all worlds. He is the Lord of all realms, the great divine being, and the source of all living entities.
एष मे सर्वधर्माणां धर्मोऽधिकतमो मतः ।
यद्भक्त्या पुण्डरीकाक्षं स्तवै-रर्चे-न्नरः सदा ।।
eṣa me sarvadharmāṇāṁ dharmo’dhikatamo mataḥ ।
yadbhaktyā puṇḍarīkākṣaṁ stavai-rarcen-naraḥ sadā ।।
This is considered the supreme dharma among all dharmas, that by devotion, one should always worship and praise the lotus-eyed Vishnu (Puṇḍarīkākṣa) with hymns and prayers.
परमं यो महत्तेजः परमं यो महत्तपः ।
परमं यो महद्-ब्रह्म परमं यः परायणम् ।।
paramaṁ yo mahattejaḥ paramaṁ yo mahattapaḥ ।
paramaṁ yo mahad-brahma paramaṁ yaḥ parāyaṇam ।।
He who is the supreme light with immense radiance, He who is the supreme penance, He who is the supreme Brahman, and He who is the ultimate refuge.
पवित्राणां पवित्रं यो मङ्गलानां च मङ्गलम् ।
दैवतं दैवतानां च भूतानां योऽव्ययः पिता ।।
pavitranam pavitram yo mangalanam cha mangalam ।
daivatam daivatanam cha bhutanam yo’vyayah pita ।।
He who is the purest of the pure, the most auspicious among the auspicious, the God of all gods, and the eternal father of all beings.
यतः सर्वाणि भूतानि भवन्त्यादियुगागमे ।
यस्मिंश्च प्रलयं यान्ति पुनरेव युगक्षये ।।
yatah sarvani bhutani bhavantyadi yugagame।
yasminshcha pralayam yanti punareva yugakshaye ।।
From whom all beings come into existence at the beginning of the cosmic cycle, and into whom they dissolve again at the end of the cosmic cycle.
तस्य लोकप्रधानस्य जगन्नाथस्य भूपते ।
विष्णो-र्नाम-सहस्त्रं मे श्रृणु पाप-भयापहम् ।।
tasya lokapradhanasya jagannathasya bhoopate ।
vishno-rnama-sahasram me shrinu papabhayapaham ।।
To that supreme Lord of the universe, the master of all worlds, O king, listen to the thousand names of Vishnu, which removes the fear of sins.
यानि नामानि गौणानि विख्यातानि महात्मनः ।
ऋषिभिः परिगीतानि तानि वक्ष्यामि भूतये ।।
yani namani gaunani vikhyatani mahatmanah ।
rishibhih parigeetani tani vakshyami bhootaye ।।
I will now recite those secondary names of the great Lord, which are well-known and have been sung by the sages for the welfare of all beings.
ॐ विश्वं विष्णुर्वषट्कारो भूत-भव्य-भवत्प्रभुः ।
भूतकृद् भूतभृद्भावो भूतात्मा भूतभावनः ।।
om vishvam vishnur vashatkaro bhoota-bhavya-bhavat-prabhuh ।
bhootakrid bhootabhrud bhaavo bhootaatmaa bhootabhaavanah ।।
Om. Vishnu is the all-encompassing universe, He who removes all obstacles, the master of past, present, and future. He is the creator of all beings, the sustainer of life, the embodiment of existence, the inner self of all creatures, and the source of all creation.
पूतात्मा परमात्मा च मुक्तानां परमा गतिः ।
अव्ययः पुरुषः साक्षी क्षेत्रज्ञोऽक्षर एव च ।।
putaatmaa paramaatmaa cha muktaanaam paramaa gatih ।
avyayah purushah saakshi kshetrajno’kshara eva cha ।।
The pure and supreme soul, He is the ultimate goal for the liberated. He is imperishable, the primordial being, the witness of all, the knower of the field (body), and the indestructible one.
योगो योगविदां नेता प्रधान-पुरुषेश्वरः ।
नारसिंहवपुः श्रीमान् केशवः पुरुषोत्तमः ।।
yogo yogavidaam netaa pradhaana-purusheshvarah ।
naarasimhavapuh shreemaan keshavah purushottamah ।।
He is Yoga, the leader of the knowers of Yoga, the foremost and the lord of all beings. He has the form of Narasimha, full of divine opulence, known as Keshava, and is the supreme amongst all beings.
सर्वः शर्वः शिवः स्थाणु-र्भूतादि-र्निधि-रव्ययः ।
संभवो भावनो भर्ता प्रभवः प्रभु-रीश्वरः ।।
sarvah sharvah shivah sthaanur-bhootaadi-rnidhi-ravyayah ।
sambhavo bhaavano bhartaa prabhavah prabhu-reeshvarah ।।
He is Sarva, Sharva, and Shiva, the immovable one, the foundation of all beings, and the inexhaustible treasure. He is the originator, the nurturer, the sustainer, the source of all, the lord, and the supreme controller.
स्वयंभूः शंभु-रादित्यः पुष्कराक्षो महास्वनः ।
अनादि-निधनो धाता विधाता धातुरुत्तमः ।।
svayambhooh shambhu-raadityah pushkaraaksho mahaasvanah ।
anaadi-nidhano dhaataa vidhaataa dhaaturuttamah ।।
He is Svayambhu (self-manifested), Shambhu, Aditya, with lotus-like eyes, and possessing a great sound. He is without beginning or end, the creator, the ordainer, and the supreme substance.
अप्रमेयो हृषीकेशः पद्मनाभोऽमरप्रभुः ।
विश्वकर्मा मनु-स्त्वष्टा स्थविष्ठ-स्थविरो ध्रुवः ।।
aprameyo hrishikeshaḥ padmanaabho’maraprabhuḥ ।
vishvakarmaa manu-stvashtaa sthavishta-sthaviro dhruvaḥ ।।
He is immeasurable, the Lord of the senses (Hrishikesha), with a lotus navel, the Lord of the immortals. He is the creator of the universe (Vishwakarma), the lawgiver (Manu), the divine architect (Tvastha), the greatest, the eternal, and the steadfast (Dhruva).
अग्राह्यः शाश्वतः कृष्णो लोहिताक्षः प्रतर्दनः ।
प्रभूत-स्त्रिककुब्धाम पवित्रं मङ्गःलं परम् ।।
agraahyaḥ shaashvataḥ krishno lohitaakshaḥ pratardanaḥ ।
prabhoota-strikakubdhaama pavitram mangalam param ।।
He is ungraspable, eternal, Krishna (all-attractive), with reddish eyes, and the destroyer of enemies (Pratardana). He is the supreme shelter of the three worlds, the most sacred, and the ultimate source of auspiciousness.
ईशानः प्राणदः प्राणो ज्येष्ठः श्रेष्ठः प्रजापतिः ।
हिरण्यगर्भो भूगर्भो माधवो मधुसूदनः ।।
eeshanah praanadah praano jyeshtah shreshtah prajaapatihi ।
hiranyagarbho bhoogarbho maadhavo madhusoodanah ।।
He is the supreme controller (Eeshanah), the giver of life (Praanadah), the life force (Praanah), the eldest and foremost (Jyeshtah), the most excellent (Shreshtah), and the lord of all creatures (Prajapati). He is Hiranyagarbha (the cosmic womb), the source of the earth (Bhoogarbho), the consort of Lakshmi (Madhavah), and the slayer of demon Madhu (Madhusudanah).
ईश्वरो विक्रमी धन्वी मेधावी विक्रमः क्रमः ।
अनुत्तमो दुराधर्षः कृतज्ञः कृतिरात्मवान् ।।
eeshwaro vikramee dhanvee medhaavee vikramah kramah ।
anutammo duraadharshah krutajnah krutiraatmavaan ।।
He is the supreme Lord (Eeshwaro), valiant (Vikramee), skillful in wielding the bow (Dhanvee), full of wisdom (Medhaavee), possessing great strides (Vikramah), and the order of the universe (Kramah). He is unsurpassed (Anuttamo), invincible (Duraadharshah), grateful (Krutajnah), the source of all actions (Krutir), and self-sustained (Aatmavaan).
सुरेशः शरणं शर्म विश्वरेताः प्रजाभवः ।
अहः संवत्सरो व्यालः प्रत्ययः सर्वदर्शनः ।
sureshah sharanam sharma vishvaretaah prajaabhavah ।
ahah samvatsaro vyaalah pratyayah sarvadarshanah ।।
He is the Lord of gods (Sureshah), the refuge (Sharanam), and the giver of happiness (Sharma). He is the source of all creation (Vishvaretaah) and the origin of all beings (Prajaabhavah). He is the day (Ahah), the year (Samvatsara), the eternal serpent (Vyaalah), the foundation (Pratyayah), and the all-seeing (Sarvadarshanah).
अजः सर्वेश्वरः सिद्धः सिद्धिः सर्वादिरच्युतः ।
वृषाकपिर-मेयात्मा सर्वयोग-विनिःसृतः ।।
ajah sarveshvarah siddhah siddhih sarvaadirachyutah । vrishaakapirameyaatmaa sarvayoga-vinishritah ।।
He is unborn (Ajah), the supreme ruler (Sarveshvarah), perfect (Siddhah), the giver of accomplishments (Siddhih), the eternal foundation (Sarvaadir) and the infallible one (Achyutah). He is the lord of dharma (Vrishaakapi), immeasurable (Ameyaatmaa), and the source of all forms of spiritual practice (Sarvayoga-Vinishritah).
वसु-र्वसुमनाः सत्यः समात्मा सम्मितः समः ।
अमोघः पुण्डरीकाक्षो वृषकर्मा वृषाकृतिः ।।
vasur-vasumanah satyah samaatmaa sammitah samah ।
amoghah pundareekaaksho vrishakarmaa vrishaakritih ।।
He is the wealth and the essence of wealth (Vasur-Vasumanah), the embodiment of truth (Satyah), the equal-minded (Samaatmaa), well-proportioned (Sammitah), and equanimous (Samah). He is unfailing (Amoghah), with lotus-like eyes (Pundareekaakshah), the doer of righteous actions (Vrishakarmaa), and the creator of abundance (Vrishaakritih).
रुद्रो बहुशिरा बभ्रु-र्विश्वयोनिः शुचिश्रवाः ।
अमृतः शाश्वत-स्थाणु-र्वरारोहो महातपाः ।।
rudro bahushiraa babhrur-vishvayonih shuchishravaah ।
amritah shaashvata-sthaanur-varaaroho mahaatapaah ।।
He is the one who dispels sorrow (Rudro), with many heads (Bahushiraa), the one who supports the universe (Babhrur), the origin of the universe (Vishvayonih), and has pure fame (Shuchishravaah). He is immortal (Amritah), eternally fixed (Shaashvata-sthaanur), the ultimate ascender (Varaaroho), and possesses great spiritual energy (Mahaatapaah).
सर्वगः सर्वविद्भानु-र्विष्वक्सेनो जनार्दंनः ।
वेदो वेदविदव्यंगो वेदांगो वेदवित् कविः ।।
sarvagah sarvavidbhaanur-vishvakseno janaardanah ।
vedo vedavidavyango vedaango vedavit kavih।।
He is omnipresent (Sarvagah), omniscient (Sarvavid), radiant like the sun (Bhaanur), the lord of the universe (Vishvakseno), and the sustainer of people (Janaardanah). He is the embodiment of the Vedas (Vedo), the knower of the Vedas (Vedavid), the one who has mastered the limbs of the Vedas (Avyango), proficient in the Vedas (Vedaango), well-versed in the Vedas (Vedavit), and the wise poet (Kavih).
लोकाध्यक्षः सुराध्यक्षो धर्माध्यक्षः कृताकृतः ।
चतुरात्मा चतुर्व्यूह-श्चतुर्दंष्ट्र-श्चतुर्भुजः ।।
lokādhyakṣaḥ surādhyakṣo dharmādhyakṣaḥ kṛtākṛtaḥ ।
caturātmā caturvyūhaś-caturdaṁṣṭraś-caturbhujaḥ ।।
He is the overseer of the world (Lokādhyakṣa), the supreme ruler of the gods (Surādhyakṣa), and the enforcer of righteousness (Dharmādhyakṣa). He is both the doer and the non-doer (Kṛtākṛta). He has a fourfold nature (Caturātmā), manifests in four cosmic forms (Caturvyūha), has four fangs (Caturdaṁṣṭra), and possesses four arms (Caturbhuja).
भ्राजिष्णु-र्भोजनं भोक्ता सहिष्णु-र्जगदादिजः ।
अनघो विजयो जेता विश्वयोनिः पुनर्वसुः ।।
bhrājiṣṇu-rbhojanaṁ bhoktā sahiṣṇu-rjagadādijaḥ ।
anagho vijayo jetā viśvayoniḥ punarvasuḥ ।।
He is resplendent (Bhrājiṣṇu) and the enjoyer of offerings (Bhojanaṁ Bhoktā). He is forbearing (Sahiṣṇu) and the originator of the universe (Jagadādija). He is sinless (Anagho), victorious (Vijayo), and the conqueror (Jetā). He is the source of the universe (Viśvayoni) and the one who dwells repeatedly in various forms (Punarvasu).
उपेन्द्रो वामनः प्रांशु-रमोघः शुचि-रूर्जितः ।
अतीन्द्रः संग्रहः सर्गो धृतात्मा नियमो यमः ।।
upendro vāmanaḥ prāṁśu-ramoghaḥ śuci-rūrjitaḥ ।
atīndraḥ saṁgrahaḥ sargo dhr̥tātmā niyamo yamaḥ ।।
He is Upendra (the younger brother of Indra), Vamana (the dwarf incarnation), and tall (Prāṁśu). He is the one whose desires never go in vain (Amogha) and is pure (Śuci). He is superior to Indra (Atīndra), the one who unites (Saṁgraha), and the creator (Sarga). He has a steadfast soul (Dhr̥tātmā), is the lawgiver (Niyama), and the lord of death (Yama).
वेद्यो वैद्यः सदायोगी वीरहा माधवो मधुः ।
अतीन्द्रियो महामायो महोत्साहो महाबलः ।।
vedyo vaidyaḥ sadāyogī vīrahā mādhavo madhuḥ ।
atīndriyo mahāmāyo mahotsāho mahābalaḥ।।
He is the one who is to be known (Vedyo), the healer (Vaidya), and always in union with the supreme (Sadāyogī). He is the slayer of heroes (Vīrahā), Madhava (the consort of goddess Lakshmi), and the destroyer of the demon Madhu (Madhu). He is beyond the senses (Atīndriyo), the possessor of great illusions (Mahāmāyo), possesses immense enthusiasm (Mahotsāho), and is supremely powerful (Mahābala).
महाबुद्धि-र्महावीर्यो महाशक्ति-र्महाद्युतिः ।
अनिर्देश्यवपुः श्रीमा-नमेयात्मा महाद्रिधृक् ।।
mahā-buddhiḥ mahā-vīryo mahā-śaktir mahā-dyutiḥ |
anirdeśya-vapuḥ śrīmān ameyātmā mahā-dridhṛk ||
Mahabuddhi: Possessing great intelligence
Mahaveerya: Having great strength and courage
Mahashakti: Possessing great power and energy
Mahadyuti: Radiating great splendor and brilliance
Anirdeśya-vapuḥ: Having an indescribable form
Shriman: Possessing beauty and auspiciousness
Ameyātmā: Having an immeasurable soul
Mahādridhṛk: Possessing great steadfastness and determination
The verse describes several attributes of Lord Vishnu. He is said to possess great intelligence, strength, power, and radiance. His form is indescribable, and he is the supreme being who is beyond comprehension. He is also referred to as Madhava, which means the husband of the goddess of wealth, and Madhu, which means sweet or honey-like, indicating his nature as the source of all sweetness and joy. Additionally, he is described as the bearer of the universe and the one who sustains all of creation.
महेष्वासो महीभर्ता श्रीनिवासः सतां गतिः ।
अनिरुद्धः सुरानन्दो गोविन्दो गोविदांपतिः ।।
maheshvaso mahibhartā śrīnivāsaḥ satāṃ gatiḥ ।
aniruddhaḥ surānando govindo govidāmpatiḥ।।
The one with great bows, the supporter of the earth, the abode of Lakshmi, the refuge of the virtuous, the unstoppable one, the source of joy for the gods, the protector of cows, the Lord of senses, the Lord of the cowherds, and the Lord of all knowledge.
मरीचि-र्दमनो हंसः सुपर्णो भुजगोत्तमः ।
हिरण्यनाभः सुतपाः पद्मनाभः प्रजापतिः ।।
Marichir-damano hansah suparno bhujagottamah ।
Hiranyanabhah sutapah padmanabho prajapatih।।
The verse describes various names of Lord Vishnu. Marichi means “ray of light,” Damana means “subduer,” Hansa means “swan,” Suparna means “with beautiful wings,” Bhujagottama means “the highest among those who move on the ground,” Hiranyanabha means “with a golden navel,” Sutapa means “he who is worshipped with austerity,” Padmanabha means “with a lotus in his navel,” and Prajapati means “lord of all creatures.” These names signify the various divine qualities and characteristics of Lord Vishnu.
अमृत्युः सर्वदृक् सिंहः सन्धाता सन्धिमान् स्थिरः ।
अजो दुर्मर्षणः शास्ता विश्रुतात्मा सुरारिहा ।।
Amrityuh sarvadrik simhah sandhata sandhiman sthirah |
Ajo dura marshanah shasta vishrutatma surariha ||
The one who is the conqueror of death, the seer of all, the lion, the one who establishes, the stable one, the unborn, the destroyer of the evil, the ruler, and the one with a renowned soul who slays the enemies of the gods.
गुरु-र्गुरुतमो धाम सत्यः सत्यपराक्रमः ।
निमिषोऽनिमिषः स्त्रग्वी वाचस्पति-रुदारधीः ।।
guru-r-gurutamo dhāma satyaḥ satya-parākramaḥ ।
nimisho’nimiśaḥ sthāṇuḥ pravaraḥ praṇavānugaḥ।।
The greatest teacher, the abode of all knowledge, the embodiment of truth and righteous courage, the one who blinks and doesn’t blink, the steadfast and immovable one, the one who follows the sacred syllable ‘Om’ – that is Vishnu.
अग्रणी-र्ग्रामणीः श्रीमान् न्यायो नेता समीरणः ।
सहस्त्रमूर्धा विश्वात्मा सहस्त्राक्षः सहस्त्रपात् ।।
Agraṇīr Grāmaṇīḥ Śrīmān Nyāyo Netā Samīraṇaḥ.
Sahasramūrdhā Viśvātmā Sahasrākṣaḥ Sahasrapāt.
The meaning of this verse is that Vishnu is the leader of leaders, the most glorious, the one who establishes justice, the leader of the wind and the one who pervades the universe. He has thousands of heads, eyes, and feet.
आवर्तनो निवृत्तात्मा संवृतः संप्रमर्दनः ।
अहः संवर्तको वह्नि-रनिलो धरणीधरः ।।
Aavartano nivrittatmaa samvritah sampramardanah,
Aho samvarthako vahni-ranilo dharanidharah.
The verse describes various aspects of Lord Vishnu’s nature. It highlights that He is the one who causes the cycle of birth and death, but at the same time, He is also the one who liberates souls from that cycle. He is all-encompassing and all-pervading. He is the one who destroys ignorance and brings light to the world. He is the one who governs time and is present in all elements of nature such as fire, wind, and earth. The verse also portrays Lord Vishnu as the ultimate sustainer and supporter of the world.
सुप्रसादः प्रसन्नात्मा विश्वधृग्-विश्वभुग् विभुः ।
सत्कर्ता सत्कृतः साधु-र्जह्नु-र्नारायणो नरः ।।
Suprasādaḥ prasannātmā viśvadhṛg viśvabhug vibhuḥ ।
Satkartā satkṛtaḥ sādhuḥ jahnuḥ nārāyaṇo naraḥ ।।
The one who is supremely gracious, who has a tranquil and serene nature, who supports and sustains the entire universe, who is omnipresent and all-pervading, who is the doer of good deeds and the recipient of good deeds, who is always kind and benevolent to the virtuous, and who is known as Jahnu and Narayana, that is the Ultimate Reality that pervades all beings.
असंख्येयोऽप्रमेयात्मा विशिष्टः शिष्टकृ-च्छुचिः ।
सिद्धार्थः सिद्धसंकल्पः सिद्धिदः सिद्धिसाधनः ।।
Asankhyeyo’prameyaatmaa vishishtah shishtakritsucchih |
Siddharthah siddhasankalpah siddhidah siddhisadhana ||
The one with innumerable and immeasurable souls, distinct and pure, the one who fulfills the wishes of the accomplished ones, is the ultimate goal of the accomplished ones, and the means to achieve perfection. He is known by many names, including Siddhartha, the one who has attained his objectives, and Siddhidah, the giver of perfection. He is also known as Siddhisadhana, the means of achieving perfection.
वृषाही वृषभो विष्णु-र्वृषपर्वा वृषोदरः ।
वर्धनो वर्धमानश्च विविक्तः श्रुतिसागरः ।।
Vrishahi vrishabho vishnur vrishaparva vrishodarah,
Vardhano vardhamanascha viviktah shrutisagarah.
Vishnu is known by many names and forms, including Vrishahi (one who takes the form of a bull), Vrishabha (one who is like a bull), and Vrishaparva (one who has a bull as his flag). He is also known as Vrishodara (one who has a broad chest like that of a bull) and Vardhana (one who gives growth and prosperity). He is the ocean of knowledge and wisdom and is always immersed in his divine glory.
सुभुजो दुर्धरो वाग्मी महेन्द्रो वसुदो वसुः ।
नैकरूपो बृहद्रूपः शिपिविष्टः प्रकाशनः ।।
Subhujo durdhoro vaagmi mahendro vasudo vasuh |
Naikaroopo bhradrupo shipivishtah prakaashanah ||
The one with strong and beautiful arms, who is invincible, has great speech, and is the great Indra and Vasu. He is one who appears in many forms, both large and small, and who shines forth with radiance.
ओजस्तेजो द्युतिधरः प्रकाशात्मा प्रतापनः ।
ऋद्धः स्पष्टाक्षरो मन्त्र-श्चन्द्रांशु-र्भास्करद्युतिः ।।
Ojastejo dyuti-dharah prakashaatmaa prataapanah ।
Riddhah spashhtaksharo mantra-chandraamshur-bhaaskaradyutih।।
Ojastejo dyuti-dharah means the one who possesses vigor, strength, and a brilliant aura. Prakashaatmaa means the self-effulgent one, the one who shines by his own light. Prataapanah means the one who heats up, the one who generates energy. Riddhah means the one who is endowed with wealth, prosperity, and success. Spashhtaksharo means the one who has clear and distinct letters, which means the one whose mantras are clear and powerful. Mantra-chandraamshur means the one who has the moon and sun as his radiance, indicating that his brilliance is supreme. Bhaaskaradyutih means the one whose radiance is like that of the sun.