Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
If you want to remove the darkness, the darkness of ignorance, make this mantra your friend. It is what will help you to know yourself.
भो! शम्भो शिव शम्भो स्वयम्भो !
गंगाधर शंकर करुणाकरा मामव भव सागर तारका
निर्गुण परब्रह्मा स्वरूप गमगमा भूत प्रपंच रहिता
निज गुहा निहित नितान्ता अनंता अनंदा अतिशय अक्षय लिंगा
धिमिता धिमित धिमि धिमिकिट तकातोम तोम तोम तरिकिट तरिकिट तक तोम
मतंग मुनिवरा वन्दित ईशा सर्वा दिगम्भर वेष्टिता वेषा
नित्य निरन्तर नित्य नतेश ईशा सबेश सर्वेश
Bho Shambho Shiva Shambho Svayambho
gangadhara Shankara Karunakara Mamava Bhavasagara Taraka
nirguna Parabrahma Svarupa Gamagama Bhuta Prapanca Rahita
Nija Guhanihita Nitanta Ananta Ananda Atishaya Aksayalinga
Dhimita Dhimita Dhimi Dhimikita Kitatom Tom Tom Tarikita Tarikitakita Tom
Matanga Munivara Vandita Isha Sarva Digambara Vestita Vesa
Nitya Niranjana Nitya Natesha Isha Sabesha Sarvesha
भो! शम्भो शिव शम्भो स्वयम्भो !
Bho Shambho Shiva Shambho Svayambho
Meaning: Hail, Oh Lord Shambhu, Oh, Granter Of Prosperity! One Who “Self Appeared”
Bho Shambhu = OH!; Causing Happiness And Granting Prosperity
Shiva=Lord Shiva;
Svayam= Self;
bhu= Exist, Earth
गंगाधर शंकर करुणाकरा मामव भव सागर तारका
gangadhara Shankara Karunakara Mamava Bhavasagara Taraka
Meaning: God Shiva Who Carries Ganga And Is Merciful, Who Helps Me To Cross The Ocean Of Birth.
Ganga=River Ganga;
Dhara= Wear,Carry,Bear;
karunakara(Kanuna+Kara)= Mercyful,
mamava= My,Mine;
bhava+Sagara=Worldly Ocean;
taraka=Belonging To The Stars,Causing Or Enabling To Pass/Cross Over
निर्गुण परब्रह्मा स्वरूप गमगमा भूत प्रपंच रहिता
निज गुहा निहित नितान्ता अनंता अनंदा अतिशय अक्षय लिंगा
nirguna Parabrahma Svarupa Gamagama Bhuta Prapanca Rahita
Nija Guhanihita Nitanta Ananta Ananda Atishaya Aksayalinga
Meaning: Without Gunas (Characteristics), One Who Is Beyond Time, Past, Present And Future
He Is Beyond All Things Finite, Oh Infinite, Blissful, Wondrous, Ever The Same Linga
nirguna= Devoid Of Qualities;
Parabrahma= The Supreme Truth;
Gama-Gama= Moting,Fleeting;
Bhoota= Of Existing, Elemental(Earth,Fire, Water Etc.);
Prapanca= World;
Rahita= Lacking, Deserting;
Nija= Truthful ;Guha= Cavity, Cave;
Nihita= Placed,Reside; Nitanta= Exceptionally, Extra-Ordinary; Anantha= Endless; Ananda= Happiness; Atishaya=Wonderful; Akshaya= Eternal, Impreishable; Linga=Linga
धिमिता धिमित धिमि धिमिकिट तकातोम तोम तोम तरिकिट तरिकिट तक तोम
Dhimita Dhimita Dhimi Dhimikita Kitatom Tom Tom Tarikita Tarikitakita Tom
Meaning: This Is Just The Rhythm Of The Dance Of Creation And Destruction
मतंग मुनिवरा वन्दित ईशा सर्वा दिगम्भर वेष्टिता वेषा
नित्य निरन्तर नित्य नतेश ईशा सबेश सर्वेश
Matanga Munivara Vandita Isha Sarva Digambara Vestita Vesa Isha Sabesha Nitya Niranjana Nitya Natesha Isha Sabesha Sarvesha
Meaning: The God Worshipped By Sage Mathanga ,
He Who Is Clad By The Sky (Having Attire Of The Space/Universe)
The God Who Cannot Be Seen In True Form ,
The God Who Is Forever Spotlessly Pure,
The God Who Is Forever Dancing,
The Lord Of The Stage , The Lords Of Everybody.
Matanga= Sage Matang Who Wrote About Raga
Munivara= The Best Of The Munis;
Isha= God;
Sarva= All;
Digambara=Attire Of The Space/Universe;
Vestithaवेष्टित=Wrapped, Enveloped;
Nitya= Eternal;
Niranjana निरञ्जन= Immaculate, Spotless,Pure;
Natesha= The God Of Dance;
Sabesha= Lord Of Stage (Sabha)
Sarvesha=God Of All…
Shambho is a rare, gentle form of Shiva. Shambho is a rare, gentle form of Shiva. As the guardian of the universe, as the ground of being, as the innermost point from which we experience life, Shiva is often wild beyond our comprehension. Shiva is often feared by the uninitiated. Shiva sometimes seems like someone else, but in this form, He has come to embrace us. Bho Shambho is the embodiment of this embrace. And He tells us that there are no boundaries, not to life or to love.
Mantras are a powerful way to get things done, but it’s a practice that people often take for granted. The concept of a mantra is centuries old and has been used by many cultures, religions, and philosophies. It is a way to help release energy, improve focus, and promote positive behaviors and thoughts in your life. We use them to focus our minds on the task at hand, and to help us through difficult times. A mantra is made up of sounds, syllables, or words that, when repeated, can become a source of motivation and strength.
Chanting Bho Shambho helps to remove all our fears and anxieties. It also removes the thought of “I” and “mine” from the mind. In some ways, it can also be seen as a path to achieving liberation. Once you have gained control over your mind through the chanting of Bho Shambho, you can then control your mind and never let it loose again. This mantra has the power to lift us into a deep state of meditation, which will eventually lead to our enlightenment.
There are no specific rules or rituals associated with this mantra. You may chant it as and when you like. The best time to chant is in the morning or in the evening. However, if you are chanting this mantra for a specific purpose then it is best to do so at the time of the purpose.
A person who chants the mantra Bho Shambho, over a period of time gets the blessings of Lord Shiva. Watch the mantra video in Sanskrit in the video below to get started.