Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
This Rama mantra is a very powerful prayer that enlightens the heart, mind, and body. When we recite something like this prayer, it opens us up to receive the most divine of energies
आपदामपहर्तारं दातारं सर्वसंपदाम् ।
लोकाभिरामं श्रीरामं भूयो भूयो नमाम्यहम् ||
Om Apadamapa Hataram Dataram SarvaSampadam
Loka Bhi Ramam Sri Ramam Bhuyo Bhuyo Namam-yaham
The remover of distresses, the grantor of all prosperity, that pleasing personality of the worlds – Sri Rama, I salute again and again.
In the Hindu Vedas, Rama is the sixth incarnation of the god Vishnu and is known for his wisdom and his exceptional valor. The Rama story is a cornerstone of Hinduism, and therefore a cornerstone of Indian culture in general. Rama is also known as “The Hero With a Thousand Names” because of his many names: Raghava, Koshlendra, Ramachandra, and so on.
Mantras are short, powerful, and meaningful phrases. These words are repeated, spoken aloud, or thought of repeatedly. Reciting mantras can have a positive effect on our minds and/or bodies. To reap the benefits, you need to create a daily routine that includes the recitation of mantras.
The word mantra comes from the Sanskrit word mantra, meaning “that which protects”. Traditionally, mantras were spoken as part of a religious ceremony or as a form of meditation. Today, mantras are used in many different ways, including as a tool for spiritual development. Mantras can be a prayer, a chant, or a sound affirmation used to help guide your mind and body on a journey toward higher consciousness.
Ram is the seed sound of the Manipuraka Chakra or Solar Plexus Chakra. One of the most highly regarded and useful mantras in the Hindu tradition, Ram creates a strong foundation on which to build our life’s work, to confront and resolve the obstacles in our life, and to heal ourselves and others. Ram is used to supporting the individual when faced with a crisis but also is used to create a better future.
While this is a longer mantra, it is simple to recite phonetically. Repeat the mantra 108 times in a sitting which should take about twenty to thirty minutes depending on your familiarity with the mantra.
When you chant a Rama mantra, you are creating a vibrational frequency that can change your life. This vibration is projected through your body and brain, which is thought to affect your physical and mental state in a positive way.